电影 詹尼斯:蓝调小女孩



  • 片名:詹尼斯:蓝调小女孩
  • 状态:HD中字
  • 主演:詹尼斯·乔普林/迪克·卡维特/克里斯·克里斯托佛森/保罗·A·罗思柴尔德/
  • 导演:艾米·博格/
  • 年份:2015
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:纪录/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-07-01 12:54
  • 简介:The documentary follows the main stages of Janis Joplin’s life, from her performance at Monterey Pop in 1967 to Woodstock in 1969 and Festival Express in 1970, including interviews with relatives, friends and rock stars of her time. The soundtrack features Janis Joplin’s hits, among which Cry Baby, Mercedes Benz and Piece of My Heart. Amy Berg shows the woman behind the myth, other than the rock roll icon, unveils a gentle, innocent yet strong woman. Well known as rock icon, the personal story of Janis Joplin is very complex. Janis serves as a narrator, telling us her life through the letters she wrote to her friends, relatives and lovers, leading us in a journey that starts from her childhood.
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首页 电影 纪录片 詹尼斯:蓝调小女孩


 当前资源来源牛牛线路 - 在线播放,无需安装播放器


The documentary follows the main stages of Janis Joplin’s life, from her performance at Monterey Pop in 1967 to Woodstock in 1969 and Festival Express in 1970, including interviews with relatives, friends and rock stars of her time. The soundtrack features Janis Joplin’s hits, among which Cry Baby, Mercedes Benz and Piece of My Heart. Amy Berg shows the woman behind the myth, other than the rock roll icon, unveils a gentle, innocent yet strong woman. Well known as rock icon, the personal story of Janis Joplin is very complex. Janis serves as a narrator, telling us her life through the letters she wrote to her friends, relatives and lovers, leading us in a journey that starts from her childhood.


  • 更新HD
    9.0 布兰妮·斯皮尔斯/艾琳·李·卡尔/西蒙·考威尔/罗茜·欧唐内/凯文·费德兰/萨姆·卢特菲/林恩·斯皮尔斯/Mark Vincent Kaplan/Jenny Eliscu/Tania Baron/Adnan Ghalib/John James Nazarian/Tony Chicotel/Lorilee Craker/Howard Grossman/James Edward Spar/Felicia Culotta/Jordan Miller/Adam Streisand/
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    5.0 爱莉安娜·格兰德/
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    2.0 马可·贝尔崔米/莱纳德·马尔廷/克里斯托弗·杨/大卫·纽曼/约翰·戴布尼/盖瑞·马歇尔/詹姆斯·卡梅隆/特沃·拉宾/贝尔·麦克里里/莫文·华伦/麦切尔·丹纳/汉斯·季默/蕾切尔·波特曼/克里斯托弗·贝克/约瑟夫·特雷帕尼斯/霍华德·肖/巴克·桑德斯/罗伯特·唐森/约翰·巴里/大卫·阿诺德/琼基·XL/泰勒·贝茨/西托·佩雷拉/马克·马瑟斯鲍夫/J·拉尔夫/达里奥·马里安奈利/帕特里克·道尔/陈秀兰/莫比/巴拉克·奥巴马/昆西·琼斯/杰瑞·高德史密斯/兰迪·纽曼/史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格/罗伯特·克拉夫特/克里斯/
  • 更新HD
    1.0 亚历山德里娅·奥卡西奥-科尔特斯/科里·布什/保拉·吉恩·斯威亚伦金/艾米·维莱拉/
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    8.0 Mikey Arana/贾斯汀·比伯/Shamir Bolivar/
  • 更新第04集
    8.0 Wrexham A.F.C./Ben Foster/
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    6.0 未知
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    2.0 未知
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    1.0 郝蕴/(解说)/
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