电影 旺旺心事



  • 片名:旺旺心事
  • 状态:HD中字
  • 主演:Sherman/Hemsley/Phil/Vassar/Maggie/Edwards/Phil/Vassar/Tina/Witherby/Bridgette/Potts/
  • 导演:Sheree/Le/Mon/
  • 年份:2008
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-07-01 11:37
  • 简介:A true story of a family and town's effort to save a beloved and heroic dog named Semper Fi. The father, a Captain in the US Marines and his homemaker wife, contend with the not so earth shattering problems of their twin, fifteen year old daughter and son as well as the antics of their precocious six year old daughter. Their lives tumble along, as most families do, until they must face the grave diagnosis of their faithfully and very loved Golden Retriever, Semper Fi. The family cannot afford the expensive surgery the dog needs. The children jump into action with a plan, spear headed by the fifteen year old daughter. They plan a community yard sale, donating all of their most prized possessions. The family's grumpy neighbor plays an unlikely and unexpected part in the ultimate success of the fund raising. Before Semper goes in for his surgery, he displays a heroic act that almost ends his life. The story unfolds during the holiday season.
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首页 电影 剧情片 旺旺心事


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A true story of a family and town's effort to save a beloved and heroic dog named Semper Fi. The father, a Captain in the US Marines and his homemaker wife, contend with the not so earth shattering problems of their twin, fifteen year old daughter and son as well as the antics of their precocious six year old daughter. Their lives tumble along, as most families do, until they must face the grave diagnosis of their faithfully and very loved Golden Retriever, Semper Fi. The family cannot afford the expensive surgery the dog needs. The children jump into action with a plan, spear headed by the fifteen year old daughter. They plan a community yard sale, donating all of their most prized possessions. The family's grumpy neighbor plays an unlikely and unexpected part in the ultimate success of the fund raising. Before Semper goes in for his surgery, he displays a heroic act that almost ends his life. The story unfolds during the holiday season.


  • 更新HD
    8.0 刘未晞/贾承凯/周金凤/刘真佑/宁文彤/姚增强/彭波/
  • 更新HD
    10.0 玫瑰爸爸/威风爸爸/骄傲爸爸/小涛爸爸/
  • 更新HD
    7.0 梅子健/朱华卿/林欣/田笑笑/毕宏/黄珊珊/岳铭/徐亚浪/路逍遥/朱辉戈/黎志聪/朱元政/
  • 更新HD
    2.0 未知
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    6.0 黄树立/
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    3.0 张子枫/姜潮/宋威龙/赵多娜/薛卉葳/
  • 更新HD
    3.0 程术琼/葛文丹/王小平/Guoli Xia/Yanxin Gong/Yuxiang Tan/Shidi Ge/Jihua Shen/
  • 更新HD
    2.0 李振铭/崔瑜娜/彭飞/刚延明/魏书钧/高阳/赵力华/许清/王春飞/夏海涛/娄振/王大印/冷雪飞/付吉婷/李艳菊/
  • 更新HD
    8.0 谢尔盖·普斯科帕里斯/阿纳托利·比利/斯维特兰娜·库德钦科娃/安菲萨·梅德韦迭娃/亚力克萨·巴杜科夫/凯特丽娜·斯皮茨/叶莲娜·维克托罗夫娜·帕诺娃/斯坦尼斯拉夫·杜任科夫/基里尔·普雷特涅夫/伊万·马卡列维奇/
  • 更新HD
    6.0 米歇尔·麦克利亚姆莫伊尔/罗伯托·库特/奥逊·威尔斯/苏珊·克卢婕/希尔顿·爱德华兹/尼古拉斯·布鲁斯/迈克尔·劳伦斯/费伊·康普顿/多利斯·道灵/
  • 更新HD
    5.0 张格/王照主/陈维鑫/谢艳丹/陈薇瑛/项园/陈子昕/
  • 更新HD
    7.0 让-路易·特兰蒂尼昂/阿努克·艾梅/玛丽安娜·德尼库尔/莫妮卡·贝鲁奇/苏德·阿米多/Antoine Sire/Tess Lauvergne/Vincent Vinel/Bernard Warnas/Laurent Dassault/Laurent Prudhomme/Benjamin Patou/Jean-Yves Cressenville/
  • 更新HD
    3.0 冈本多绪/安部春香/
  • 更新HD
    8.0 尤尔根·普洛斯诺/莫里兹·布雷多/诺拉·冯·瓦尔茨特滕/安德烈·赫尼克/多丽丝·施雷茨迈尔/伊恩·T·迪金森/吕克·费特/吉尔曼·瓦格纳/马可·洛伦兹尼/尼诺·波尔齐奥/萨宾娜·罗斯巴赫/吕克·斯帕达/
  • 更新HD
    6.0 未知
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    9.0 罗伯特·杜瓦尔/杰夫·丹尼尔斯/史蒂芬·朗/杰瑞米·伦敦/
  • 更新HD
    6.0 未知
  • 更新HD
    7.0 凯瑞·碧许/西奥·詹姆斯/福里斯特·惠特克/卡特琳娜·格兰厄姆/马克·奥布莱恩/格蕾丝·德芙/南希·索瑞尔/杰夫·沃尔/阿隆·休斯/Lanie McAuley/Derek James Trapp/Josh Cruddas/
  • HD中字
    7.0 安东尼·霍普金斯/奥利维娅·科尔曼/马克·加蒂斯/奥莉维亚·威廉姆斯/伊莫琴·普茨/卢夫斯·塞维尔/阿耶莎·达尔克/罗曼·泽勒/雷·伯内特/阿德南·昆迪/斯科特·穆林斯/布赖恩·罗杰/艾薇·维/
  • 更新HD
    6.0 山本奈衣瑠/每熊克哉/手岛实优/井之胁海/伊藤俊介/中村久美/




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